Here is the shoutout :)


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Do you think it would make sense for Germany to incorporate something like the UK into their high skilled immigration system where people with degrees from elite universities can easily get a work visa? Or is this already part of the system based on the Canadian model?


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Great point. We originally had this in the post, but dropped it. Nothing like this exists, and it seems obviously good. Can even scale it up to the world’s top 100 universities.

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> But the government adds to the construction sector's slow-down by limiting construction subsidies to projects that follow ever-more strict energy efficiency standards.

They recently dropped the requirement for the latest and most strict energy efficiency standard:

“Angesichts des schwierigen Umfelds für den Wohnungsbau und der hohen Zinsen und Baukosten "ist die Verankerung von EH 40 als verbindlicher gesetzlicher Neubaustandard in dieser Legislaturperiode nicht mehr nötig und wird ausgesetzt", wird außerdem angekündigt. Den Energiesparstandard EH 40 hatte die Ampel im Koalitionsvertrag für 2025 vereinbart. Die Baubranche hatte dies angesichts der stark gestiegenen Baukosten seit Monaten scharf kritisiert.”


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Good point, I referred to the following re subsidies:

"Um die beiden energetischen Standards EH55 und EH40 gibt es heftige Debatten. Staatliche Fördermittel fließen seit einigen Monaten nur noch für den energetisch höheren Standard EH40, nicht mehr für EH55. Dieser wurde von der Regierung zum gesetzlichen Mindeststandard beim Neubau erklärt."


I wonder if the stopping the phase-in of EH 40 will also change the subsidy situation.

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A good article. Thanks! Will link to it in one of the next issues! 👍🏻

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Cool, appreciated!

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That's way too naive as a take. I won't be impressed until German citizenship applications or the Bauamt take less than the now typical 1-2 years to get back to you. They haven't even fixed the Corona subsidy fraud mess, though they promised. The bureaucracy is too entrenched and corrupt, and they don't listen to politicians.

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